Sunday, July 24, 2011

I am still alive

My computer is broken broken broken, hence my lack of postings I will just post a few things I am excited about...

I prd annie, 50-40-30-20-10 double unders and abmat sit ups. Sub ten, which has taken me a considerable amount of time to get to.

I was sick for a good week. Saturday morning I got out of bed and just could not make it to the gym... Anf that lasted until yesterday when john made me go to the gym.

I prd my kettlebell snatch. 52 pounds!!!!!!

Thats all.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


So I left the gym in tears this morning.  In the middle of the wod, or I shouldn't say middle because I couldn't finish the first round.

Sarah Glass' birthday wod:
bodyweight back squats
power cleans
pull ups
100-75-50 double unders. 

We first worked on muscle ups...then warmed up for the  wod.  My back has been jacked up again, so I was planning to go relatively light for the back squats, much less than my actual bodyweight which was surprisingly high last i checked.  I decided to just use one bar for both and do 95.  The back squats were fine, the power cleans ended up one at a time.  I also decided to complete my volume training for pull ups last night, so the pull ups in the wod were rough on my hands.  Once I got lapped once and freaked out I couldn't control the tears.  I got through 18 pull ups, told Jack I couldn't do it, cleaned up my bar and left.

The last time I cried at the gym, it was me and two coaches, and I at least completed the wod.  Today I just got so frustrated because nothing was working, and embarrassed because I felt like the only one, and mad at myself for not attempting to finish.  I scaled a ton so I didn't know how to make it easier other than to do less.  Not my brightest moment...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My guns

Today my boss commented on my lovely shirt, to which I replied "thanks, my guns almost don't fit".  Another coworker jumps in to tell me he had never heard a girl reference her guns before. yet another announces that I reference my guns (aka venus and serena) more than anyone he knows, male or female. For that, I am proud.