Saturday, October 22, 2011


I have been my computers have been at the repair shop (aka my brother in lawss) and i haven't really felt like blogging.  I am in a slump. Some things have improved (like my pull ups kinda) and somethings have deteriorated into an abyss (my deadlift) somethings have stayed pretty medium.  I have gotten faster at some running and slower at most wods and I just don't know.  My diet has been good and sucky, I am thinking I need to do a whole 30 or something, but at this point I can fit it in before thanksgiving, but i know I will cheat next weekend for homecoming, so blah.  This is where I am in recent memory:

We did an endurance wod that entailed 10 jumping air squats, and sprinting 200m.  We were supposed to do it 10 times.  I did 9 as I was slower than most and Paul felt pity on me.  I struggled with walking after that.

We did an endurance wod that involved kettlebell swings and sprinting.  I stopped in the middle to go to the bathroom.

We did fran. The strength work before was front squats (my favorite) but I was too nervous for fran, and everything felt heavy. Then we did fran, my time was 3:30 slower than my pr.  It was embarrassing.

Today I ran a 5K. I was passed by: an old man, people pushing strollers, 3 men wearing weight vests (who also did burpees and squats during the race, a one legged woman, and a skinny fat couple who ran walked the whole thing, also embarrassing.

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