Tuesday, October 25, 2011

swings and snatches

Today's strength work was the kettlebell snatch.  We were to snatch amrap without putting the bell down, I started with a 25# weight and only got to 9 because it was owie on my hands.  The next two sets I did 17, better, but not that many, I have a hard time going to that scary place.

The wod was 6 rounds, 20 swings, rest 30 seconds, 15 box jumps.  The box jumps reminded me that my legs hurt from the weekend.  The swings let me know that my form is terrible.  I had been avoiding them the past little bit due to back pain, but today discovered (what Ashley had been telling me all along) that the back pain was a result of poor form when swinging.  So I worked on form, with a light kettlebell.  It was still hard.

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