Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pre-challenge stats

To prepare for awesome success stories we took some measurements pre challenge and will compare in (now 8!) weeks. Dave also asked us for before and after shots only to be shared if we were comfortable. Honestly I was planning on sharing them here but when I saw them I asked John if that was in fact what I looked like. He said no but they are pretty hideous so I imagine the afters will be amazing at which point I can share both. But here are my numbers.

Weight: 170
Body fat: 28.2
Bmi: 26.2
Blood pressure: 143/85

So the numbers are indeed high. My blood pressure is not generally that high but I had some road rage on the way to the gym (chapel hill drivers are the worst) I was going to check again but i figured it would make for a good success story.

Christine 14:34
3 rounds: row 500 m, 12 deadlifts, 21 box jumps
Body weight is the prescribed deadlift weight but as I hurt my back a week prior I just used 95.

CROSSFIT total 455
Squat: 165
Press: 85
Deadlift: 205
This was a terrible performance on my part, my goal was to match my prs for each lift but missed on all accounts. This leaves room for a good amount of improvement.

500+ CROSSFIT total
Sub 14:34 Christine with my actual bodyweight
As far as weight I don't have a number goal I just want my clothes to fit better.

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