Thursday, December 16, 2010

it's been a while...again...

So part of my lack of posting is not having worked out, the other part is laziness.  Saturday I competed...or shall I say participated in the Carolina Fitness Challenge...  I really enjoyed cheering for all my friends, my performance was another story.  The first wod, 12 min amrap 12 burpees, 12 kb snatches (35#) farmers walk 100 m with kb in each hand.  Looking at this it seemed manageable, burpees I thought with the competitive mindset would go by okay, I am medium with kb snatches, and farmers walk is what it is.  When it came to game time it was super super ridiculously cold, which I don't enjoy, so I bundled up.  This seemed to work to my detriment.  John and I have decided that my hands freaked out about being so cold while the rest of me was so so warm... and I could not push through, and straight up lost that event. :(  The next event was a 3rm front squat, which is right in my wheelhouse.  Front squat is one of my favorite lifts but this was not one of my better days.  After being in the cold for so long, it was a challenge to warm up.  I procrastinated a bit, and then went to do some warm up sets, but the bars were all taken.  When I did find one available, the plates to make my warm up weights were not available, people didn't want to move out of my way, I was overwhelmed.  I knew I needed to make up a bunch of ground, but I don't do that great with squats under pressure and that is all I could think of.   I decided to start at a lower weight, than originally planned (135 instead of 145).  135 was easy peasy.  A cfdurham member was volunteering and said that looked too easy, and I should go up by 20.  That seemed reasonable.  First rep I thought was a bit too high, so second rep I got lower...and got a no rep. I stood up, cursed a bit, and got defeated, and couldn't imagine doing two more reps... Said cfdurham member came up to me after and said that I was cheated, and I felt he was speaking the truth as he is not easily riled, and we are not best best friends, and looking at photos after I noticed someone seemingly staring at my crotch...and it was the head judge. My day ended there, which I was not the happiest with, but was okay with my performance kinda but not really. 

The next day as I didn't do too much exercising I went to workout for a hopper deck workout.  I made a disclaimer that I would not run or do anything outside, but it was in my favor that nothing pulled went outside.  We did in fact pull a card that was air squats and muscle ups.  Stew made the mistake of telling us that it was muscle ups, as then an argument ensued, he then changed it to chest to bar pull ups.  I used a blue band, and trucked a long, took me twice as long as my fast friend Paul, but I finished, yet couldn't walk for then next couple days without the threat of leg lock. 

We traveled for the next couple days so missed workouts.  Today I came back to one of my least favorites, filthy fifty.  I had a plan to finish within 30 minutes, with 2 minutes for the first four exercises, 3 minutes for the long exercises.  That plan didn't work after the first exercise but I still had high hopes.  When I got to kb swings and couldn't do more than 10 unbroken, and started freaking out my breathing, I just hoped to finish.  I did just shy of an hour, mopped myself up, and got a fat burger with fries for lunch. 

My diet has been out of control lately, as I just eat whatever I want.  I will be starting the whole 30 plan on December 29, and until then, or at least this weekend, I am carbing out.  I am traveling to the home of glorious bagels and pizza, and plan to take advantage, but then I need to get it together.  Eating poorly is hindering my athletic performance, and everything else, I don't sleep that great, my joints don't move as well, I don't heal as fast, and I am fatter than I need to be.  I have a closet full of wonderful clothes to wear, some brand new, I just need to get into them.  I am bringing a jump rope, but am not making any promises that things will get done.

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