Wednesday, December 1, 2010

i should be working out right?

I started at Crossfit Durham in the early days.  There were often times in the beginning when I was the only one in class, due to my unpopular class time preference and the fact that there weren't that many of us to begin with.  Now that our community has grown so much, our classes are usually pretty big.  Monday's class we had the rare luxury of a tiny class, as there were three of us.  So Coach Ashley was able to give everyone extra special attention in class, (which she is good at even with a big class).  Our skill work was overhead squats.  I was excited to work on these, as last week I snatched my previous overhead squat max. 
Ashley told me to work especially on getting to full depth, and we worked on getting the bar position right.  With feeling uncomfortable I worked up to 65 pounds...  We then did the snatch test, 10 minutes one armed kettlebell snatches.  I tried this during one open gym and got 75 so I was working for 100, and fell shy at only 77, as form on my right hand was poor. 

Tuesday we did a ridiculous warm up, then worked on weighted pullups.  For me that meant working on dead hangs.  I used a skinny band for a lot, and then managed maybe 3 unassisted.  Jarrod had a great idea to put the little weights in his pockets to get one, I look forward to being able to add any weight at all....  The wod was then a 15 minute amrap of 7 deadlifts and 7 box jumps.  I tried a dead at 95 pounds and felt pain shoot down my leg, so Ashley had me sub back squats, and amazingly picked the perfect weight to keep me moving.  I used 75 pounds and ended up with 11 rounds and 7 back squats.  Today I woke up with sore legs, which I don't remember feeling in a while.  I gave myself a rest day because I couldn't get it together, but will do day one of our 30 day handstand pushup challenge.  :)

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