Friday, December 24, 2010

so guess i don't still have it...but i could get it...

So this past week I travelled to New Jersey and Pennsylvania to visit family.  And while I haven't been the happiest with how much of a fatty I have been, nothing quite food you can get in Jersey, so I make sure to eat things I can't get here.  Friday night we started with Spanish food at Spanish Tavern as there are no Spanish/Portugese restaurants that I know of around here.  I had paella which could be a meal for two or more, but took a bunch home and ate leftovers for the rest of the weekend.  Throughout the rest of the weekend, I also had carrot cake my grandmother made in honor of my visit (though she told me not to eat too much), half a pizza pie, belgian waffle at a diner, and egg and chese on mish mosh bagels.  Then I got to my stepsister's house, where their motto is paleo schmaleo.  I usually fill up on my pb&j fix while I am there as they always have it because of the children.  I ate my fair share of pasta, and also made smore cupcakes which were pretty good.  I did no sort of workouts aside from helping my nephew be a spider monkey, and tickle fights, but magically came back a pound lighter.

Yesterday was my rude awakening back to workouts.  I decided to head to crossfit, cause I missed it, and the wod was only strength work which I enjoy.  We did press 5 sets of one, push press 5 sets of 3s, and push jerk 5 of 5s.  I failed some on my presses, so I kept it conservative for the rest of the workout, but got to 78 on press (former pr 90), stayed at 83 for push press and jerk.  I hate sets of 5s and dropping the bar on my chest.

Last night I also went for master classes at my friend Deez' new studio.  I was excited as I don't remember the last time I have gotten to take dance classes, which is on my list of things to do in the new year.  I had the perfect well rounded line up of jazz, contemporary and hip hop and was ready to go!  I started in jazz class, and the warmup still felt good, but some strength work I struggled with.  The combination was to a ke$ha song which was super cute, and I had fun with it, though picking up choreography is hard if you haven't done it in a while.  We practiced a few times, and then while walking through (not even dancing) i took a wrong step, over extended my knee and heard a snap.  Yes a snap. gross.  I walked through the rest of the routine and class careful not to bend my knee, but somehting was not right.  I even took the next class which was more of a struggle as the warm up was largely technique based, which requires a straight leg and pointed toes.  I also walked through across the floor and tore skin on my foot (I may be too old for this), and some of the routine, which in hindsight was most likely a huge mistake.  I sat out the hip hop class, hung out for a bit and then drove the 2 hours home.  I got back to my house and found that my leg stiffened during the drive. 

I don't know what this is, but it is ill-timed.  I am hoping that a couple days of rice will help it out, and it will be nothing.  I have heard that people injure knees all the time and keep walking on them unknowingly injured.  This hurts bad, but in my 27 years this is my first structural inury.  I am hoping for nothing, as I have goals and dreams for the new year, and cute heels to wear, and pies to bake....

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