Thursday, March 3, 2011

day 2 continued

Yesterday evening I decided to switch things up and head to the regular gym for some good old fashioned aerobics... I originally went to go to yoga, and then saw one of my favorites, Body Attack was right before and decided to hit up a double feature. The best way to describe body attack is if I asked you to think about old fashioned aerobics... a lot of jumping around, a few grapevines, some high knees and kicks and my favorite the flying motion where you hop on one leg and send the opposite arm and leg out (get it? no doesn't matter).  I did the class for some fun.

For those that don't know me, my preferred method of exercise is dance, due to limited class offerings that fulfill my crave for good music, movement that feels good, challenging exercise and a good release, I crossfit.  It fulfills all of it in a different way, as does group fitness.  Body attack has good music, some fun movement that makes me cheesily smile, but for some odd reason, no one else. My mistake yesterday was thinking it would make my legs feel better, all the jumping makes my calves tight and we did like a million hammie curls and those were the worst, so I decided to skip yoga, as it was power yoga and a lot of energy is required.

I got home and collapsed on the couch and didn't move for a while, I needed nourishment, and couldn't decide what to eat.  My day 2 of paleo did not go as well as day 1.  I ate breakfast, then couldn't decide what to eat for lunch/got caught up in doing some work and picking up my sunglasses.  I ate a little snack to hold me over, then spent time making a chicken, and some meatballs.  It took longer than I anticipated, and ended up only eating two meatballs and some sauce before heading off to class.  I neglected to pack or eat a post workout meal when I returned home, so I was a ball of mush...When John got home he gave me a snack and then I ate a couple more but not a real day 2 fail!  I also commented to John that paleo is easy for him because he has someone to prepare all of his meals and snacks for him, to which he replied you can do that too (but that person is me) :/.

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