Again I fell off the blogging wagon, but not the working out wagon. Last week I was having an off and slow workout week. Everything felt slow and I was having a bit of a hard time. This week I feel much better, I have also made a bigger effort diet wise, which may have something to do with purchasing a bridesmaid dress that leaves no room for dropping it like its hot unless an extra inch or two is missing from my hip area.
Sunday we did a partner wod, ring dips and squat cleans, my partner graciously carried us, and basically did twice the amount of cleans. I was kinda depressed about that, and was planning to two a day Monday, but sleep monster got me, and I only made it in for endurance, I PRd an 800 m run at 4:31, but then the rest of my splits were 5 something.
Today was quite ambitious. I woke up to make the new endurance wod at 6:15. Paul is still happy at that hour of the day. We worked a bit on drills, then got to running. The wod was double this if you run faster, but I ran 1 mile rest 3 minutes, run 800 m, rest 2 minutes run 400 m, rest 5 minutes, run 1 mile. The goal was to run the second mile faster but I didn't quite get it. My times were 10:05, 5:08, 2:09, 11:08. Paul encouraged me to run faster, and I could push a bit harder when someone passed me, but I struggled to keep up, so for next time I will work on my turnover.
I went to work, then returned for the 6 o clock wod. We started with squat cleans. I decided this morning that a bodyweight clean is a good goal, I got to maybe freshman year of college bodyweight with 135. 145 didn't want to go past my knees but I will get it there, and then maybe we can meet in the middle. The wod was 21-15-9 box jumps and ring dips. The box jumps were supposed to be tall but I neglected that and went with a 20 inch box for speed, and finished in 5:35. Dave told me I should have gone higher, I told him that I went fast so it was fine.
I then went to my charleston class. It was interesting because the other people in my class were talking about being tired from the lindy class before ours. I know this may be breaking news but EATING WELL AND EXERCISING GIVES YOU ENERGY. I also learned that I have a hard time following, maybe because I am a bit elitist. I am almost like the boys that don't listen to the lady coaches when they try to coach bench or squat, (not really they are just rude) I found myself trying to lead which worked well with the other students, but the teacher kept saying, you need to just... and i would finish, let you lead. I did have fun though.
Lindsay, I'm going to encourage you to use a metronome. I'll 'splain.