Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So I have had one heck of a fitness weekend.  Saturday I came in for the Lumberjack wod, which honors the soldiers killed at Fort Hood so you know it is rough...

Lumberjack wod
20 Deadlift (275/185)
Run 400m
20 Kettlebell swings (70/52)
run 400m
20 overhead squats (115/75)
run 400 m
20 burpees
run 400m
20 chest to bar pull ups
run 400m
20 box jumps
run 400m
20 dumbbell squat cleans
run 400m

The last time I did this wod, it was cold and rainy (December 5 2009).  Again this time it was cold and rainy, and I had a bit of a sniffle.  The last time I managed Rx weights for everything, but did it in 58:15.  This time I did it in 42.30 but couldn't manage rx nothin... I did deads with 165, KB I think I had a 35, I just used the kettlebell that was out from the class before, OHS I had to drop to 65, I couldn't pull my chest to the bar except with a band and I dropped to 200 m runs...I wasn't too proud of this performance...but at least I did it.

Sunday's wod involved wall balls and double unders.  I was super slow on that wod as well.  Theo gave me a talking to beforehand about how I should be killing this wod, and I thought I could but I had no wind.  Part of it was mental, part was the lack of wind...I tried to make up the front squats I missed after, but wasn't feeling it. 

Then I decided to try my Bikram class...  I am not really sure what I was expecting...but really you are doing yoga in a sauna, and I hate saunas.  Out of 26 poses I think I managed maybe 10... I was waiting for the poses on the ground, but then it was stomach poses and thought I might puke. It was a bit embarrassing as people that looked to be less healthy than me were managing  I paid for 15 classes, so I will try one or two more times but will strategically place my mat close to the door so if I need to leave I can.  I also found that people were not as nice there as crossfitters, or even the globo gym where I work.  No one seemed to care when I laid on the locker room floor to prevent passing out or vomiting, or when I sat on the floor in the lobby for 15 minutes before leaving, but what can you expect. I was out of commission for the rest of the night.

Monday we did turkish get ups and "chopped up fran".  I weighed myself that morning and was still down the two pounds of water weight I lost the previous day, so knew I wasn't hydrated much.  Turkish get ups were fine, I stayed relatively light, I had  a little kettlebell, but it was unmarked, so I hope it was 20 lbs, but don't know that it was.  The wod was 5 rounds of 9 thrusters and 9 pull ups with 2 minutes rest between. My fastest round was 1:11, which was the first round.  After that I freaked myself out and couldn't string together pull ups or keep it together and my slowest round was 2 minutes.  All in all, my total fran time would have been 7 something, which is still faster than my actual fran time, so I guess I am happy?

Today's strength work was cleans.  I am in need of a chiropractic adjustment, and my back is super super tight.  I was hoping to pr my clean, but with my back issues, I stayed at 85 for my working weight.  The wod was 21-15-9 power cleans and knees to elbows.  I used 65 because of my back, and switched to hang cleans on the 15 round.  I couldn't manage any knees to elbows knees not once touched.  I decided I need to do a "BODYWEIGHT BONANZA" between now and the challenge, as that and my wind  make a large percentage of my weaknesses.  I haven't quite decided how it will happen, but I am focusing on lowering bodyweight, and then improving bodyweight exercises...going for ring dips, pull ups, push ups, knees to elbow, toes to bar etc...

I thought it hilarious as I talk about improving my wind and such, and though I was hoping to go to 615 tomorrow morning and come back for endurance that evening, I contemplated skipping after seeing tomorrows wod. Run 1 mile, row 2000m run 1 mile.  This is about my worst nightmare.  No part of me wants to do this, but I guess I need to suck it up.


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