Thursday, November 4, 2010

reallly November??

So the beginning of November has not gone exactly as planned in terms of being all gung-ho and "in training".  Monday I most certainly had a case of them, and when the alarm went off to go to crossfit at 8:30, I decided I needed more sleep.  I did however do running tabata intervals on the treadmill at a slightly faster than normal pace, and then got my bottom handed to me in power yoga.  When I walked in I was told it was an ashtanga class...which to me means nothing, but in reality it was a continuous flow involving several down dogs which killed my shoulders, chatarangas which I resorted to knees, and then strechy things in directions my body no longer goes. 

Tuesday I started on the path to crossfit, but then was so embarrassed about how late I was, that I turned around and went home. I intended then to be productive, but then watched episodes of the office until it was time for work.  I also decided to reward myself for voting by going to Five Guys (yes my inner fat girl works that way). 

Wednesday's CrossfitDurham workout involved bodyweight all its glory.  I decided to check out Local, as they were doing Isabel, and snatch 1RM.  This was actually a good workout day.  I wish it was a good eating day as well, as I decided BLTs were in order, and thought it should be the day I discover Moon Pies.  I got a 2 # PR at 85 cause I used a 45# bar instead of the 33... (hooray me). We then did Isabel which was a pr just cause I have never done it.  It is 30 snatches (power).  I completed the workout in 3:10, with 65#.  Hope to soon make my way up to the Rx 95 but that is not in my near future.

This morning I woke up with sore traps and an overwhelming desire to skip and watch the office in the rain...but I went. We worked on clean and jerks which I did conservatively and foam rolled in the middle.  The wod involved 8 rounds of 30 sledgehammer swings.  The hardest part was getting into a rhythm with the swing, once I did that, it was fun just to swing it and hit the tire hard. I completed all my reps and avoided the "bonus burpees". 

I (finally) have a weekend off, so I plan to work out, do my running, and possibly start the bikram classes I bought through one of those sites, we shall see what gets done.

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