Wednesday, November 24, 2010

o hello again...

It has been a while again...but this time I am just slow in posting, but not actually working out.  I will try and catch up some...but will spare you unimportant details.

11/17 Got a snatch pr of 95 whooo hooo!!! It wasn't that pretty, but I did it.  I was feeling  a bit down about being able to accomplish any of the goals I set for this year, but only 5 pounds to go and I got that one!  The wod was dumbbell push press and burpees (which mean slow for me) at least I did it rx with not that much rest.

11/18 I had a fitness modeling gig...(I like saying that)  A guy is partnering with crossfit durham to put together a rubberband system to use for traveling wods...we did a ton of squats presses and such, I was hoping to go to 615 and wod, but I didn't make it. 

We went to the beach for the weekend, and while I brought workout clothing, no actual working out aside from jumping photos took place.

11/21 Front squats were pretty terrible,  I stayed conservative in weight because I still had some funky things going on with my back, (and my crazy chiropractor didn't return my texts).  The wod was 6 rounds, 8 kb snatches, 8 burpees.  I used 25 pounds, but kept it moving the whole time. 

11/22 Worked on snatches which did not go that well, stayed at 75 for the most part.  The wod: 5 rounds, 5 deadlifts, 10 toes to bar.  Deadlifts were supposed to be 75% of your 1 rep max, which would be 191 based on my 1RM of 255...which hasn't happened since.  I was thinking about 155...but my back told me to do 155.  (geez I pray for no deads in the challenge).  You would also think that since toes to bar caused me to dnf last year in the challenge I would have those (and handstand pushups from the charlottesville challenge)  down... but oh well, I got a good number of them but can't say that they were all rx...the last one took me three attempts...and finished in a solid 12:56, 3 minutes behind everyone else.

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