Monday, January 24, 2011

straight beastin it.

so my biggest fan's name is john, then all the coaches at crossfit, and my mom but those are all assumed... so my biggest fan that is not related or paid for is a maintenance guy i believe I have only seen twice but each time he has nothing but nice things to say.  The first time he only saw me working out because I was the last one and he said "man you straight beasted it" I think maybe I was doing overhead squats or .  Today he saw me again and said "hey I didn't know you still came are the one in the picture on the wall lifting all the weight...with the legs".  (That does happen to describe everyone on the wall as we are all blessed with legs)  But I will admit sometimes it is nice to have an extra cheerleader...and here is the photo I believe he was talking about....

(those are my legs)

Today's wod was AMRAP 15 minutes 10 box jumps then alternating pull ups and push ups to finish out the minute.  Boy was it tough...I got through my first round of box jumps and half of the second with actual jumps and then stepped up for the rest of the wod.  I lost count of my reps, I know I was at 37 before I lost count maybe at round 8? 

Also today we lost a pioneer in the fitness industry.  Jack Lalanne was the awesomest man ever. (that's it)

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