Tuesday, February 1, 2011

kick him in the shin!!!

it has been a little while...last week Thursday we worked for a one rep max on back squat.  I thought I was over it, but I am still scared.  I think I worked up to 145, and then everyone seemed to busy to ask for a spot, which I  know is silly, but whatevs...so right now my 1RM back squat is about the same as my 3RM front squat...  Friday we did a special new exercise superman to hollow rock. So you lay on your stomach with arms and legs in the air, then roll over to your back with arms and legs in the air, for a super core workout.  I still have bruises on my hip bones always use a mat for things like that is what I learned.  The workout was 5 rounds 20 double unders, 25 abmat situps and then 30 kettlebell swings.  We had an awesome group with some of my favorite crossfitters, but for whatever reason I couldn't get my swings consecutive, and I know that is nothing but mental, but I had a great group to cheer for me when I was the last one still going.

Today I opened the gym so I worked 5:30 to 10...then debated whether I wanted to work out, and did the right thing.  We had Paul for today's awesome guest star who provided additional entertainment (he said "if I had a child I would name him Beyonce")...(Ashley usually provides some like the title of today's post).  We worked on ring dips which I trying to learn to love, today we did 50 strict reps, I used a blue band, some of the reps got hairy so I tried to go to green but that was too much.  For the wod I did yesterday's which was 20-18-14-->2 double unders, with 1-->10 kettlebell (heavy swings).  Again played some mental ping pong during the wod and finished in 11:28.  I worked on my pull ups with a ladder using the red band.

So yes, sometimes I get tired and actually need to catch my breath, but not as much as I stop.  I am thinking I may add unbroken skill work, like kettlebell swings, box jumps etc. maybe knowing I physically can do these things will make them easier to think about, wah.

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