Monday, February 7, 2011

stupid shoelaces....

I love walking in to a huge class at crossfit, especially with some of my favorites.  Colin coached and lead us through a squatastic and push uppy warm up, in which Paul filed his callouses and offered gum to the cllass. The skill work was on double unders, I planned my outfit poorly as my pants (and underpants cause you wanted to know) would not stay up...then my shoelaces messed me up...  So I love shoes as I have a great appreciation for them and have several pairs. If I had it in me I would go back to school for design and work on making super cute functional shoes for all fields (dance, fitness, and fashion), I just feel that physics and or biomechanics might be necessary and I can't.  My point with this, I have a pair of Nike frees and Saucony racing flats that I had to special order...why can't these shoe companies get it together, I shouldn't have to double knot my shoes and still have to tie them in the middle of a work out!!!!!!!!!!!! Paul told me about elastic shoelaces I could by, but I am in the market for the swirly wirly shoelaces you purchase for children...I used to pair mine to match my slouch socks.

The workout was the chief.  As many rounds as possible in 3 minutes of 3 power cleans, 6 push ups, 9 squats, rest one minute, for a total of 6 rounds.  I have been going through my old notebook which will not stay together, and typing up my wod book, so I know my rounds to beat was 15 1/3.  Yesterday I managed 17, but I didn't Rx my push ups, as I started snaking in the first 3 minutes.  I have been trying to analyze when my performance started to suffer, and I haven't quite pinned it, but I did notice that we often did cash in and outs, which we don't necessarily always do, and I am pretty sure I have been much more lax in my warm ups so the past few days I have made sure to cash out with at minimum my pull up ladder, I also am working on a core movement as well, yesterday I did sets of 15 situps then head stands.

Melissa of Whole 9 posted this awesome article today as well... There are times when I upset myself too much about things that go on at the gym, but really it is one aspect of my life...not me as a whole.  I am also an awesome wife, a bomb cook and baker, a snazzy dresser, a hip aunt Z, and shwerking dancer....thanks.

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