Friday, February 25, 2011


So the other day I heard some people in the gym talking about this crazy wod they were gonna do...I said hey that sounds cool and somehow got myself involved in the shenanigans... The Seven is a hero wod in honor of 7 CIA officers killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan.  If you think about how badass you need to be to be in the CIA and multiply that by 7 per officer...then to the next power for being killed doing something knowingly dangerous for the USA then times it by a little more.

The Seven...
7 handstand pushups
7 thrusters (135/95) I did 75
7 knees to elbows
7 deadlifts (245/205) (145)
7 burpees
7 kettlebell swings (70/52)
7 pull ups.

So it is a terrible wod if I get excited for the bodyweight portions of it.  HSPU's you either can do or can't do...I can't so they weren't that bad, I should have gone heavier on the thrusters as they were challenging but not terrible, my knees don't quite touch my elbows, but soon.  The deads were terrible.  I have some tightness in my low back so I know I was using my back rather than my legs, something to work on...burpees were a rest, Kettlebell swings were probably my favorite part...and pull ups were pull ups.  Badass Ashley finished in 32 something while I was on round maybe 3.  After round 2 I figured out I wasn't going to finish in a timely manner anyway, so I finished at round 4 in 49:01.

Then Gabe and Chad decided to do 11:30, which involved deadlifts and Annie.  I had enough deads, but wanted to do Annie, so I sucked it up.  The warmup felt fine, and then I tried to go light on deadlifts, but my back said no thank I just used that time to mobility and roll out.  It came time for the wod, and I started but couldn't get even 10 double unders together, I got through 50, sat down for situps and my body didn't work so I called it a day.

So while I am disappointed that I didn't finish, or even get anywhere close to Rx, my body hurts enough for a regular wod.  I would like to attempt this again after my whole 58 to see the improvement.

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