Monday, February 28, 2011

the last supper...

I woke up this morning tired and not wanting to workout.  I started by cleaning up my apartment some, but the task got daunting, the maintenance guy stopped by and I wanted to make sure he got everything, so I skipped 1130, but made it in for 5 pm.  We started warming up with 100 sledgehammer swings.  There is something so satisfying about swinging a hammer, and I hope to one day be able to swing it like Tripp who doesn't need to use a top hand guide, just like Thor. They got tiring after about 50 though...

We started Wendler 531 programming today, and I am excited about the change.  This is a great way for me to make sure I get all the major lifts in every week, and track it in an organized way, and GET STRONGER! We worked on press today which sucks.

The wod was 10 down to 1 chin ups and push ups.  I hopped up to the bar to see if I could go unassisted on the chin ups, but the reverse grip feels so wierd, so I used a band, and did girlie push ups to keep it quick.

I stayed for endurance (go me!) which I hope to make at least a 2 time per week deal.  Today we rowed 20 seconds on, 50-40-30-20-10 off, 3 rounds of that.  I made it a total of 1373 m.  I should have strategized better,  as I didn't know the total amount of time, so I didn't have a goal for meters, but tried to keep splits at 2:00, (which didn't quite happen) but feel like I could have squeezed out some more meters if 1500, or so was my goal.

So tomorrow we start our clean up whole 58 (we go out of town on day 59, so I make no promises for 60 days).  I have spent a good amount of the weekend thinking of meals to savor in my nonpaleoness which means I have also have had heartburn for the past four days... I am now sick of eating crap, so I am excited for a clean up.  My concerns are my meal planning skills which are currently lacking, I usually go to the grocery store and buy what is on sale, so at this point I am prepared only for a couple days, but it will probably also take a bit to get used to 2 paleo eaters in the household.

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