Wednesday, February 9, 2011

no wod is okay...

This morning I woke up earlier than planned, and had trouble falling back asleep, so I resorted to coffee, and started my day, by the time we got to crossfit, I had a bit of lack of motivation, so I wasn't quite prepared to warm up or do work, but I kinda got myself ready to go.  I decided to make up the deadlifts from yesterday.  it was a tough battle to decide not to go yesterday, but I needed that rest day, but DOMS was a bit of a beast today so my legs felt pretty tight from Monday's wall balls.  I have kinda come to terms with my poor deadlifting abilities lately, but am determined to get back to my 1 RM (255) and then some.  I was hoping today for maybe 215...maybe just maybe 230...but I couldn't pull 200 off the ground...tell me where does 56 pounds go, how do I lose that??????????????? It is frustrating as I don't really know what was different then from now... 

The wod today was:

40 30 20 push ups (i pushed up from my knees to avoid the snake...i hate snakes)
50 40 30 double unders (I realized today my rope is DOOK blue and am now on the market for a carolina blue one and swirly wirly laces)
30 20 10 back squats (my legs were in rebellion so I did 45 instead of the Rx 65)

This was tougher than it looked in writing, (as they all are) so I trucked through with the slowest time on the board today womp womp as usual.  a nap may be in order. 

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