Wednesday, February 23, 2011

catch up...

My internet has been being weird the past week/I haven't been creative enough to post.  I am going to attempt a summary of the past week but I will start with today.

4 rounds
500m row
3 rounds cindy (5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats)
I was worried about this taking me absolutely forever, but I scaled the push ups, and was able to finish in 31:40. I just kept trucking and had some fast fast ladies to chase. My pull ups felt good (thanks to Lori's pull up ladder) I just lost grip a couple times.

This week has been pretty rough as two coaches had birthdays, so we have had some ridiculous wods, including one that went 9-15-21.  We have done pull ups either in the wod or warm up three days this week, so I was leery about going today, but I think my pull ups are finally improving.  I was able to deadlift 205 off the ground which is the first time in like 6 months, so I still kinda have it.

John and I attended Ashley's nutrition seminar on Saturday.  He decided that he was gonna try a whole 30.  I said I would take advantage of having a partner so we are doing it together.  I mentioned that I probably should go longer as I slip up into bad eating habits so now we have gotten ourselves into a whole58.  Why? so yes I have some LBs to lose, but I also believe this is the best way for me to eat, I feel better physically and mentally...

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