Tuesday, April 19, 2011

freakin mondays

When I cheat I go all out because when I eat well it is super clean...and like Liz Lemon says, "I was gonna go to the gym later so I deserve a treat." So I have been cheating like crazy and decided I would get back to clean eating Monday...

I woke up to find that during my binge fest the scale crept up ten pounds. For sure not ten pounds of muscle...and really not sure how it creeps cause I know what Im rating and should know the consequences but still I'm surprised. So the day starred out rough but I packed lunch and snacks so that was good.

I have a newish schedule so I will probably be hitting up evening classes. I started with endurance to find it was a two mile time trial...gross! We did all our warm up stuff then started the run. I opted for four 800m loops. 1st loop I thought man I feel pretty weak this is tough gross...lap two okay maybe I got it then I got lapped and got sad and thought I might ask Erin if I could quit...third lap sucked till the second half when I realized I was pretty much done. Then I got lapped by the last set of everyone... and I got sad. I still pushed the last lap but it still wasn't fast enough. I finished in 22:50 which is I guess kinda good for me...but it was just defeating to be a good five minutes slower than everyone else.

I tried to redeem myself with the regular wod. We started with tire flips so I flipped the biggest one. Bench is also rough cause the hills are for some reason comparatively weaker in bench... my max set was 85 and I managed two. The wod was amrap 12 minutes 5 deadlifts and 10 toes to bar. So the dreads were supposed to be 1.5 bodyweight...instead I used 175 which was still heavy. Murphie and I went head to head so I spent a lot of time just watching her lift (it was awesome). I got through 5 rounds but it was the first time I managed all my toes to bar rx. I was satisfied with my score but it didn't quite make up for the run....
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1 comment:

  1. it was because it was monday. if this would have been a saturday it would have been all good. saturdays = good. mondays = bad.

    still proud of you for pushing through!
