Saturday, April 9, 2011

why i love crossfit...

Following Monday's endurance wod, I planned a post on how much I loved crossfit, but Amy beat me to it with this... This is the start to why I love crossfit, though it may be much less eloquent, witty, and/or grammatically correct....

1. Monday's endurance wod involved running 100, 200 and 400m sprints.  Some of us are better at some sprints than others (my 100 was 0:16, 400 1:52), but everyone is so supportive of everyone, and everyone cheers for everyone, and everyone does a good job, because everyone expects everyone to do  a good job, and that good job is relative.  I now look forward to endurance, (though I had to skip Thursday cause my legs still didn't work)

2. Wednesday I walked into the gym to my biggest fan vaccuming (I cannot figure out how to spell it a word?), the two old men working out, while gospel music blared, Gabe benching like a million pounds, and I found Ashley in the corner...she too was surprised as to what she saw.

3. Tuesday Tripp chose music to lift to and his choice was Hank Williams...

4. Saturdays have been dedicated to the crossfit games open wods. Today I walked into a very serious heat, it was quite fun to cheer for....pretty sure I like cheering more than doing but who wouldn't?

5. I surprised myself by getting 13 reps in the open wod (5 minutes as many reps as possible of squat clean and jerks (165/110))  My previous 1 RM was 120, Wednesday I did the wod and got 9 reps though my legs were quite sore, today I squeezed out 13...

6. Also before the wod, I witnessed some impromptu swing dancing, it was awesome...there has also been break dancing, and what Troie does to pump himself up (dancing?) all of that makes me happy.

7. Today while driving I saw so many people running...(so many is probably 15)...Only one of them looked happy, but he was probably the only person that seemed to be good at running.  I wanted tell all the others to go to crossfit, because although we may be in pain...and whine some (who...not me?) we all have a good time and like being there.

that's all.


  1. Wait, how does Troie dance? Because all I've ever seen him do (pumping-up-wise) is air drum.

    Great job on #3! I pondered my wonky shoulder and decided against it, but you did awesome :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Trip was not listening to Gwar? He always listens to Gwar.
