Sunday, April 17, 2011

open wod + PAINSTORM

This week's open wod was quite the experience... I mentioned it in my last post and completed it on Friday, as I was planning to be out of town on Saturday.  I got to the gym a bit late, so I didn't get the chance to warm up like I normally would as I had to get started before class time, but could count on the 60 burpees to get going.  So I hit my head on the first burpee.  Not too bad, but it did hurt and therefore did each burpee far enough away and maybe too far because I would have to step to the bar, then jump over it.  My limiting factor was how slow I do burpees...I got through them in 9 minutes and change, and had time for 2 overhead squats which actually didn't feel that bad.  I wish this wod was 10 minute time limit, any order you like, 1 point per burpee, 3 per squat, 5 per muscle up.  oh well...I just need to get faster.

Yesterday as we did not end up traveling I went just to cheer, which is more fun than doing sometimes.  It was a good wod to watch, but also frustrating to see people get defeated.

Today we had a painstorm programmed...3 7 minute rounds, carry 1/2 bodyweight 400m then for the rest of the 7 minutes 2/3 bodyweight ground to overhead amrap.  So...I usually factor off 150# which is more or less what I weigh...kinda...sometimes.  With the sandbags I used 50 which was heavy...I did learn to put the heaviest bag on top, closer to midline. I used 95 for the ground to overhead.  I didn't take my time really...but the 400m took me on average 5 minutes, and ended up with 17 ground to overheads which I was happy with, though everyone else basically tripled my score but whatevzies.

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