Sunday, October 3, 2010

that trick Cindy...

This morning I woke up feeling like I got run over.  Just about every muscle in my upper body is sore, my lower body is kinda sore, and my throat was also sore.   The muscle pain I know for sure is from that trick Cindy.  That workout is as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats.  I am not a fan of bodyweight exercises as I feel I have more of it to move. My PR on the board for Cindy was 7 rounds, because I couldn't get consecutive pull ups.  My goal for yesterday was 10 rounds, and I came up just shy at 9 rounds and 5 pull ups.  My pull ups felt great, I did at least the first set  unbroken.  Push ups were ugly, but I did them, they certainly took up the most time for me and were my limiting factor today.  Squats are squats, I hate them but can do them okay.  After the wod I also worked on overhead squats, so I am not really sure the cause of my soreness, could even be Friday's work for all I know. 

I woke up late on Saturday to workout because Friday I went to bed late, and as a result ate probably the worst preworkout meal ever (pasta in a sort of creamy sauce) which always makes me think of Michael Scott eating fettucine alfredo and then running a 5k and almost dying.  So I figured the rest of the day would be my last hurrah for crappy eating.  I got some nachos, and John and I went to Shiki for dinner for some amazing sushi. John is still medium about sushi (but he loves me so he took me) so we got more tempura rolls and those always seem to have more spicy mayo which my stomach does not like (but boy is it good).  This morning I am pretty sure I felt the effects of that, but at least the need for it is out of my system.  I did my prep work for healthy eating this week, so I will be on track with it, with no excuses. 

I actually signed up for the challenge yesterday, and am oddly getting excited.  I certainly have a lot of work to do, but I am looking forward to it.  My goal this year is to complete all the workouts (last year I DNFd on one because it took me longer than the allotted time period).  But it gives me focus, and something to work up to.

Later gators!

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